
Assassins creed origins hidden blade
Assassins creed origins hidden blade

assassins creed origins hidden blade assassins creed origins hidden blade

Let me get lost in the world and continue on the game when I'm ready. I'd rather there be a looming Templar presence in the background and a well-developed storyline, but allow us to get distracted by randomized events and side activities. Now if they pulled a Shadow of Mordor and gave us a 5 hour story with little sense of fulfillment, that would be pretty heartbreaking for an AC title. If I wanted story-heavy, I'd watch a movie or read a book. The reason is because they just reskinned Brotherhood and focused MORE on story than many new gameplay mechanics.

assassins creed origins hidden blade

Honestly, Revelation's story was very well-written and portrayed, but I disliked the game because the missions were the most linear we've ever seen in any AC game. That was one of the points where I felt as though the series was taking a turn in the wrong direction. What comes to mind when they feel like they need to fill more game time with story progression is the mission where Ezio cuts a flower with his specialized murder tool to give to his bae on their date. I wasn't saying they should leave it as an after-thought or anything, but give more resources towards the gameplay. I guess I wasn't as clear in my writing related to the importance of story.

Assassins creed origins hidden blade