If your opponent knows what he's doing, you pretty much can't do anything against a skilled saber with Boba, just waste time flying away. He can be amazing but takes a lot of skill and positioning to play properly.īoba can also be great, but the only real danger from him against a saber are his rockets, which are easily avoidable unless risking point blank shots. Vader is his biggest weakness though since his shots don't go through blocks like Chewie's. You could pick Han which isn't as great as Chewie at dispatching sabers, but can go toe to toe with blasters as well. A skilled Boba has no counter from Chewie. On the other hand he is horrible against other blasters because of his slow fire rate, especially Boba. Chewbacca on one hand is a saber destroyer since his blaster can partially go through saber blocks due to explosive splash damage, not to mention he can also stun, charge slam and also overcharge his blaster for extra damage, meaning he can destroy even a Vader if you time your stuns and charge slams right.

He requires a lot of jumping and dodging at precise times to be effective though, also Anakin can wipe you in just a few combos if he catches you with a Pull. Just pop out the mines and keep the pressure on your opponents with his grenade launcher and toxic cloud grenade.