
What can twitch mods do
What can twitch mods do

Most small to medium streamers will not have the budget for this. If you’re someone looking to mod for a streamer and get paid it will have to be a large streamer. Especially if you are not paying mods then you cannot expect them to stick to a dedicated schedule. This means you will likely need more mods than this as they won’t always be on at the same time. You can see above the recommend amount of mods active at any time depending on the size of your channel.

  • One active mod per every 600 viewers is average for this type of moderation and channel size.
  • For large channels, it’s a good idea to employ the use of automated moderation and have mods that interact with chat and manage bot filters.
  • Medium sized channels (< 5 lines of text per second) should have an active mod for every ~200 viewers.
  • Having 2-3 mods active at any time is good.
  • For smaller channels (< 1 text line per second on average), adding moderators as you need them is best practice.
  • In this guide the recommend the following: Twitch actually have a Guide to Building A Twitch Moderation Team. If you’ve started stream you’re possibly wondering when you will need mods. As their streams are so big they need to make sure their chat is clean and things are running smoothly at all times so they pay to make that happen. When it comes to the largest streamers on the platform some of their moderators do in fact get paid. The streamer will generally pick someone who shows up on stream a lot and already engages with the community. For most small to medium streamers their moderators are people who regularly visited the stream and wanted to help out on the channel. Some moderators get paid on Twitch but most do not. Let’s jump in and take a look at whether or not Twitch moderators get paid. After all who doesn’t want to get paid for watching their favourite streamer for hours.

    what can twitch mods do

    If you spend hours on end on Twitch every day you’re probably starting to wonder, “do these twitch moderators get paid?” and maybe starting to think it might be worthwhile becoming one. Maybe they were asking them to change the stream title, make a thumbnail or ban someone in the chat. Have you been in a few Twitch or Youtube streams and seen the streamer talking to their moderators.

    What can twitch mods do